A few of our favorite things...

Today is a day of Facebook and Instagram, and not much blogging, so I feel as though our blog is rarely written on anymore. We've decided we should start posting some of our favorite things every week. We will see how many weeks that lasts, but for now, here are some of our weekly favorites:

Favorite things: 
- Having Monday off work.
- Pulling Jessica on a sled (tied to a fifty foot rope) through some slushy snow in the park.

Favorite meal: lasagna soup

Favorite things:
- Hosting a lunch with friends.
- Jessica telling Andrew she needed to whisper something in his earball!
- Watching Andrew and Jessica dance last night. (I can't figure out how to post it from the iPad, so for now, watch it here.)

Favorite meal: lasagna soup

Favorite things:
- Watching the Peanuts movie at the movie theater (Jessica has been having a hard time sleeping all night long, so we made a chart and after ten nights of staying in bed, we all got to go to a movie! Woohoo!)

- Running to the track with mom and running away from the cracking ice in Alaska. It was tricky.

Favorite meal: pizza or barbeque pork sandwiches. She said both were good.