
We are no longer residents of Nebraska...we've moved to Alaska and what a move! Actually, we have only been here in the state for 6 days, and what a cold 6 days! We are still looking for a place to live, and we were told that it would take 3-5 weeks to get our things shipped here, so for now, we are living at one of the BSA's council camps. It is beautiful out there, but it is a camp, so I am excited to have all of our own things and be in our own place. And actually, that will probably be sooner than later, because we were just told our shipment came in record time, and it arrived here yesterday, after a 6 day journey. Now, we just need a place to put it!

But, besides that, Alaska has been good. We've cleaned and cleaned our little place so it looks a little better, and I even made bread yesterday and today. I love bread...although I do miss my kitchen aid. We are grateful to be here (although the airlines did get a little messed up with our reservation and thought we were stopping in Seattle for good) and to be in a nice, warm place. We have to do laundry in a separate building at camp, and unfortunately, we have had to do laundry every day the last three days. The last few days have been around zero or 2 below when Jessica and  went out to do the laundry, and I actually felt like I was getting used to it. I mean, really, the buildings are only 200 steps away from each other, but still, I could handle that little bit pretty well and I didn't mind. But, today, it is 11 below, and man, that is cold. It makes me walk a little faster just to get inside and warm up. 

Anyway, that is it! I thought originally I would get caught up on all our blog posts and post all about our summer trip to Seaside, Oregon...but I can't access our pictures, and actually, I've been staying busier than I planned up here, so we will see. For now, just know that we are now Alaskans...and need some warm thoughts!