
So, obviously, we are a little slow at posting. I really want to just back date this so it looks like I was more on top of things, but I won't. But, I am also not going to write a novel on this one. Basically, October happened. Jessica loved pumpkins and learned how to say pumpkin, although it sounds like puppy. She was a little worried about carving one and touching the guts on the inside, but she did it! And then, she ate a bit, and realized pumpkins might look good, but they are better baked in a pie.

We had a quick trip to Utah because Andrew's brother Grant got married to Jennifer! We are so excited for them and loved seeing the family! Jessica's favorite parts of the weekend were dancing at the reception (seriously, she wouldn't stop! We even tried to dance with her and pick her up, and she wouldn't let us!), seeing the neighbor's chickens, and driving the toy car.

She spent her Halloween as the cutest Dorothy ever...in the airport! Our flight was delayed, so she only went trick or treating at the airport ticket cuonters. She fell asleep on the way home and slept for 13 hours after a busy, long weekend. Oh, and by the way, I made that costume! I am so proud of myself!